Sunday 24 March 2019

Sunday, March 24

Sunday, March 24 - Day 5
The day started with a legendary spread of pancakes and turkey bacon which was a new concept to almost everybody. Who knew that bacon was allowed to come from turkeys? Anyway, everyone got dolled up in their Sunday best, and headed down to living waters church for Sunday servce. The sermon was enlightening and very unique, and demonstrated a different style of telling the gospel. Nevertheless, we all enjoyed it. Then, we headed to the mayan ruins which are extremely close to the Guatemalan border. We all climbed up the main temple and took in one of the greatest views of Belize that you can get. After two failed attempts to throw a frisbee from the top of the temple to someone at the bottom, we headed down. Then, we went to hodes restaurant for an absolute feast. I personally got the large fried chicken. Normally, people separate the thigh and the drumstick for general ease of consumption, but at Hodes, they deep fry the whole leg and just slap it on your plate. Sorry, also two of them on your plate. It's delicious. After dinner, we headed back to the base and had some excellent devotions. The topic was emotional poverty and many people had excellent sessions in the small groups we broke off into. 
  • Melissa, Beth, Luke, Andres 
A.k.a Sharknado 4

P.s. Hi cam - beth

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