Friday 29 March 2019

Friday, March 30

Friday, March 30 - Day 10

Wow what a day we had today. It started at 5:00an with chaperones helping prepare breakfast which was scrambled eggs, beans, fruit and of course fried jacks. We said our tearful goodbyes to our friends at the base and headed out to Belize City to spend our day snorkling and exploring the island. We are all safe and sound at our hotel for the night and looking forward to seeing you all at the airport tomorrow night at 10:04pm.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Thursday, March 28

Thursday, March 28 - Day 9

Hellooooo!!  Salutations from Kylie, Naomi, Jonah and Shana! 

Can you Belize our time here is almost over. So sad😩

Anyway today was fun day so guess what we did... Had fun... yay!!! The kids loved it they had a blast. At least it looked like they did. I had fun. The slip and slide was a hit and they really enjoyed all the activities that they got to participate in. Some of the activities that were offered were face painting (an absolute distaster, but quite a lot of fun:)), soccer (the kids are soo talented!), volleyball (there could be some improvements...), an art station, anddddd a bunch of other little activity's that just ended up a mess! We started the day off by helping out in the classrooms (sweaty and dirty but with smiles on our faces)  and ended the day a compete mess of watered down mud and soap suds. (also accompanied with smiles:) As you can probably imagine, hygiene is our number one priority. Our lovely day and week at the school was celebrated by a delicious chicken bbq! Lucky us! 

For our devotions today we talked about systemic poverty, a very interesting topic! We had a great discussion that we can't wait to chat about with you when we see you in two days! We miss you!

Ywam Belize has been fantabulous, but it is now time to be tourists for a day and experience beautiful Belize in another way! Tomorrow will start with an early morning wake up at 5:30am! So it's time to get some sleep! 
Thanks for checking in! 

See you soon Calgary! You are missed! (the people that is.... Not so much the snow ;))

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Wednesday, March 27

Wednesday, March 27 - Day 8

Hello people of CANADA!!!!! 
Today's blog post is brought to you by Jenessa, Nadia, Nolan, Brittney and Ali. 
Today was a fantastic day. We started the day off with a hearty breakfast of toast and cereal and a multitude of fruits. Then we went off to begin our workday. Some of us finished the YWAM sign while some of us painted the Canada house at the YWAM base. Those of us at the  school helped in classrooms while teachers tried to finish report cards and others painted the playground. Sorry to the grasmeyers because Micah is coming home with a hair cut as she is very clumsy and she use her hair as a paint brush by accident. 
Let me paint a picture for you to describe what really goes on in the classroom. Picture this, 20 young students who can all communicate in a language that you do not understand all team up agianst you and create a never ending storm of chaos in which you, a lonesome high school student, flounders. But yet we go back day after day because those kids are so darn cute, their smiles make everything worth it. After the day at the school we hopped on the totally-not-broken bus, if anyone is looking for around 30 youth to sing songs from a start is born I know a group willing to put on a very good show. We traveled to the western dairy in the Mennonite community at the Spanish lookout. The ice cream was amazing and we relished the air conditioning. To wrap up the day we came to the base, went swimming in the river and some had well deserved naps. We then celebrated Kevins big 18th birthday with cake and a movie (aquaman at Kevins request :) ) 
Each day is a new blessing and we are so blessed to be in a place we can see the stars, wear shorts and get a tan. But we are more blessed to be able to learn more and more about ourselves and God with each interaction we have with a kid or everytime we get a smile from an overworked teacher. 

Thanks for reading 
Mom I'm not burnt yet 
Love you all, can't say we miss Calgary but we miss you. 
 Peace out 
Live long live well 

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Tuesday, March 26

Tuesday, March 26 - Day 7

Yo yo yo friends and family! 
It's the Spice Girls aka Michelle, James, Kevin (who turns 18 tomorrow... go him!) and Noelle writing to you from this lovely Ywam base in Belize. 
Here's a little poem we wrote about our fantabulous day;
Today was super sick, 
we worked a lot
and it was hot, 
Unfortunately for our friend Scott, 
He got a little cut which was not, 
That small. 
PS he's okay. 

We finished the Ywam sign, 
The swings were set up in a line, 
And the fence now has a new shine, 
And our newly red Canada house is lookin’ quite fine. 

The art camp went quite swell, 
And the kids are doing really well, 
A few times off tall ladders we almost fell, 
We got up early to get to the school before the first bell. 

Today there was some rain, 
But it didn't make us feel that much pain, 
Micah suffered from some yellow paint stain, 
But it was all worth it for the gain. 

So here we are, writing to you from under the stars, 
We can't hear any cars, 
And from all our family and friends we’re all little too far. 

Love y’all! Peace peace love love ❤️ 
-spice girls 

Monday 25 March 2019

Monday, March 25

Monday, March 25 - Day 6
Another wonderful day in Belize as well as a very hot one. The team spent the day helping out and teaching in the classrooms at school as well as running the art class throughout the day. A group of students also continued to work on fixing and extending the fence at the school as well as rebuliding the swings. The building projects are also going well back at the base as well as the design of the YWAM sign. Tonight we were able to go into Belmopan and watch some of the boys play football. What a great opportunity for everyone to watch Soccer in a place where they are passionate about the game. 

The team is really working and serving well together and we are looking forward to another productive day tomorrow working together. Please continue to pray for us as we serve here. 

Sunday 24 March 2019

Sunday, March 24

Sunday, March 24 - Day 5
The day started with a legendary spread of pancakes and turkey bacon which was a new concept to almost everybody. Who knew that bacon was allowed to come from turkeys? Anyway, everyone got dolled up in their Sunday best, and headed down to living waters church for Sunday servce. The sermon was enlightening and very unique, and demonstrated a different style of telling the gospel. Nevertheless, we all enjoyed it. Then, we headed to the mayan ruins which are extremely close to the Guatemalan border. We all climbed up the main temple and took in one of the greatest views of Belize that you can get. After two failed attempts to throw a frisbee from the top of the temple to someone at the bottom, we headed down. Then, we went to hodes restaurant for an absolute feast. I personally got the large fried chicken. Normally, people separate the thigh and the drumstick for general ease of consumption, but at Hodes, they deep fry the whole leg and just slap it on your plate. Sorry, also two of them on your plate. It's delicious. After dinner, we headed back to the base and had some excellent devotions. The topic was emotional poverty and many people had excellent sessions in the small groups we broke off into. 
  • Melissa, Beth, Luke, Andres 
A.k.a Sharknado 4

P.s. Hi cam - beth

Saturday 23 March 2019

Saturday, March 23

 Saturday, March 23 - Day 4

Whazz up Calgary,
It's the Eh team(Brooklyn, Micah, Lincoln, and Isaiah) coming in with some hot news from Belize, literally it has been a hot day and we are all fried. Today we spent the morning at the Preserving Grace Church. We lead stealar activities with the kids, which included coloring, painting rock and really terrifying faces. We also played some Americano football, and throwing of the upside down plate. After the tedious job of getting paint out of our skin and hair we got to enjoy some ice cream with the kiddos. The afternoon was spent eating the traditional rice and bean based lunch. It was unbelizable (ba-dump tisk). Then we proceed to fly through the jungle on a zipline, like Superman on steroids. On the bus ride home we were exhausted and hungry, so we went swimming instead of eating, and it was a refreshing splash to the day. Our day is coming to a close and we will have to leave you to play some capture the flag. But before we end we would like to tell you about are amazing devo time. It was on physical poverty and how it is present throughout the world, and how we need to meet people where they are at. Today was a great day, we love it when a day comes together. Eh team out. (Lincoln does not approve of this message)  

P.s. Hi Cam! -Beth

Friday 22 March 2019

Friday, March 22

Friday, March 22 - Day 3 

Day three had many opportunities for the whole group to participate in. We continued on at the school with the art camp, began working on the new sign for the base, worked in the classrooms, started the building projects at the school and on the YWAM base, played Volleyball and had some amazing devotions led by Madeleine, Allie P, Madi and Colten.  

We woke up with the sound of rain on our tin cabin roof and as we stepped outside into the day we new it would be a good one.  We had a hearty breakfast of french toast, sausage and assorted fruit.  Some of us skipped off to the school to spend another day with the little ones and they were super excited and had lots to tell us - Madeleine was invited for the second time to a little girls birthday (which is in December...)  The rest of our team stayed at the base and worked on tearing down some buildings and scrubbing off the paint on a sign that will be repainted.  

We then had a lunch of nachos and scurried off looking for rocks to paint with the kiddies at the church tomorrow!  After the rock picking we went for a quick dip in the creek which was refreshing and tranquil.  Then we came back to the base to go to the Art Box, where we were astounded by the incredible art and delicious frozen treats. :)

After the art box we split up again!  Some of us went to help coach and play volleyball with a local club and it was very exillirating!  We were able to really connect and relate to the girls and they were very talented and dedicated to their sport.  

The other group came back and ate a dinner of homemade tortillas!  And then played cards and games with the kids on the base until the volleyball group came back.  

When we sat down for devotions we began with singing.  After the chorus of song we listened to John speak about some of the amazing work that YWAM Belize is doing and heard a bit of his story.  John is the assistant director of YWAM.  Then the amazing ”Forest and the Gumps” lead devotions and we played a fun and meaningful game to demonstrate material poverty!  

It has been a inspiring and fulfilling day! 

Thursday 21 March 2019

Belize 2019

Belize Day 1 - March 21
After the long day of travel yesterday the whole team was in bed by 9:30 last night.  The first day was split with all the students and half the chaperones going to Raymond Shepherd Nazarene School, a short walk from where we're staying at the YWAM base in Roaring Creek.  Once at the school the team met a bunch of excited students!  Kylie and Ally P started their senior "art" project with a couple of the older classes.  The remaining chaperones identified the construction projects we'll be doing at the base and school. We are about to start our devotions and sharing time together for the night.    
We're thankful to God for safe travel and a great start to our service!   
Stay tuned for future blog posts that will be written by the student groups assigned to devotions each night.