Wednesday 27 March 2019

Wednesday, March 27

Wednesday, March 27 - Day 8

Hello people of CANADA!!!!! 
Today's blog post is brought to you by Jenessa, Nadia, Nolan, Brittney and Ali. 
Today was a fantastic day. We started the day off with a hearty breakfast of toast and cereal and a multitude of fruits. Then we went off to begin our workday. Some of us finished the YWAM sign while some of us painted the Canada house at the YWAM base. Those of us at the  school helped in classrooms while teachers tried to finish report cards and others painted the playground. Sorry to the grasmeyers because Micah is coming home with a hair cut as she is very clumsy and she use her hair as a paint brush by accident. 
Let me paint a picture for you to describe what really goes on in the classroom. Picture this, 20 young students who can all communicate in a language that you do not understand all team up agianst you and create a never ending storm of chaos in which you, a lonesome high school student, flounders. But yet we go back day after day because those kids are so darn cute, their smiles make everything worth it. After the day at the school we hopped on the totally-not-broken bus, if anyone is looking for around 30 youth to sing songs from a start is born I know a group willing to put on a very good show. We traveled to the western dairy in the Mennonite community at the Spanish lookout. The ice cream was amazing and we relished the air conditioning. To wrap up the day we came to the base, went swimming in the river and some had well deserved naps. We then celebrated Kevins big 18th birthday with cake and a movie (aquaman at Kevins request :) ) 
Each day is a new blessing and we are so blessed to be in a place we can see the stars, wear shorts and get a tan. But we are more blessed to be able to learn more and more about ourselves and God with each interaction we have with a kid or everytime we get a smile from an overworked teacher. 

Thanks for reading 
Mom I'm not burnt yet 
Love you all, can't say we miss Calgary but we miss you. 
 Peace out 
Live long live well 

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from all of you especially Nadia !!
    Grandpa Arie
